Gcs gcs-orthation ditarik-mundur gaduh indikator kei penting téknis anu tiasa dianggo, tiasa nyumponan pamekaran pasar listrik sareng tiasa bersaing sareng produk impor anu tos aya. Produk ieu parantos dianggo ku pangguna listrik.
Awas swick ogé berlaku pikeun bibit anu distribusi pikeun pepelakan kakuatan, minyakum, bahan kimia, gedong, gedong dua kali naék sareng industri sanésna. In places with high degree of automation, such as large power plants and petrochemical systems, which require computer interface, it is used as a low-voltage complete set of power distribution equipment for power distribution, motor centralized control and reactive power compensation in power generation and power supply systems with three-phase AC frequency of 50 (60) HZ, rated working voltage of 380V (400V), and rated current of 4000A and below.
Xi'an gazum Tecricrical To., LTD. Desain sareng ngahasilkeun kotak disebaran leutik sareng subur-rata, 350v archeds Belil ACH
Voltase kerja anu dipeunteun | Ac380V |
Kelas ayeuna | 2500a-1000a |
Voltase insulasi | Ac660V |
Tingkat polusi | Tingkat 3 |
Clearance listrik | ≥ 8mm |
Jarak kerét | ≥ 12.5mm |
Perpakilan kapasitas switch utama | 500 |
Kelas perlindungan kelas | Ip40 |
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